Finally!!! I am happy to announce there is a BOY in our family! This was a long time waiting for my dad. After three daughters and three granddaughters, Brenden James was born. He came into the world weighing 8lbs 12oz. and 22inches long. He was a Memorial Day baby and at five days old, I grabbed my camera to capture him as a newborn. I mean they grow so fast he probably even changed in his features by the time I finished the session. :)
Also, while I was home I had to get in s few pictures of Emelia now that she is 4 years old. I just can't believe how fast they grow up. Wow, I just love being an Aunt!
Congratulations Rachel and Justin! I'm so proud of you guys. You make Amazing Parents and I love you all sooo much!
Brenden James
His feet are already longer than Natalia's
Look at those long fingers!!!
Awe! He's smiling for me :)
I"m sure he'd rather take a nap in his crib :)
In daddy's Arms!
Emelia's now Four Years Old!
She's such a proud older sister too!
I had to sneak one in of Kaela too. I'm sure I will be posting some
3 Year Old pics of her soon! She's now the middle child like me and is now an older sister too!